A shot from the movie"Fight club"

Writer’s Chuck Palahniuk work “Fight Club” seeks to get a different form of expression. Novel which appeared in 1996  was adapted into screens in 1999, and left many  with a considerable impression. In his website Chuck Palahniuk revealed that this time he is working on the second part of the story, which differs from previous in its plot, and the fact that it will be conveyed graphically.

Both the book and the movie tell a difficult and strange story, which gives a number of questions on the society, ideals of love, and norms of masculinity . The Narrator Jack is discontent with his work and suffers form severe insomnia. After leaving psychotherapy  he starts flying planes from one city to another, hoping to crash, and meets the charismatic soap seller Tyler Durden. Jack’s life begins to change when guys become friends, and contrive strangest things in order to make everyday life more interesting. One day Tyler asks his new friend to hit him. Jack and Tyler see that the fight before the last forces can provide pleasurable sensations. Moreover, people are quite interested in these sessions, so friends secretly set up a “Fight Club.” Heats are impassioned not only by fights, but also by a love triangle that rises between Tyler, Jack and Marla, who Jack meets in one of the psychotherapy sessions.

As Chuck Palahniuk wrote, second “Fight Club” version will have a different situation. After more than ten years Tyler will tell story from the perspective of Jack. Meanwhile Jack is left behind, his beloved Marla is troubled with boredom, and their marriage is approaching the end. Everything changes when their son disappears. Then Jack returns to the game of violence and fights. In order to make this story graphic novel writer is already working with the creators of the most famous comics companies, such as Marvel, DC and Black Horse. However, the “Fight Club 2” should appear no earlier than in 2015. So, those who expect the return of Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in cinema screens will have to wait.

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